Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hollow 171

Sunglasses: S O R G O - GHOST / Black (SG)

Watch: [Vale Koer] R-66Y Watch

Shorts: Roy Sports Shorts Fatpack - Fashionnatic

Dog: Schadenfreude Boston Dog Days of Summer Sleeping (MP)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Exe 34

Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Starry Night \\ Side tail - B+W      (MP)

Outfit: Legendaire LeeLoo Jumpsuit 

Vehicle: MotoDesign - FreeSoul - EVO 

Location: Backdrop City 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hollow 169

Head: [AK Deluxe Men] - Leon Bento Head Group Gift (L$150 fee)

Shirt: FashionNatic - Reng Shirt Black Jeans @ Man Cave

Watch: [Vale Koer] Motus Chronometer

Jeans: Destroy Male Black Denim Ripped Jeans - Fashionnatic

Location: Backdrop City 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Hollow 168

Skin: Stray Dog  - Zack Tone 04

Tattoo: **UbS** Mystic Tattoo (TMP , Signature, Omega) @ The Men Jail Event

Jeans: Rey Blue Jeans - Fashionnatic

Location: Sundarban

Monday, June 11, 2018

Hollow 167

Tattoo: **UbS** Soul Dark Tattoo (upper body)

Necklace: Quirky x Lovely Disarray - Fated Set Necklace

Shorts: [AB] Franky Swim Fabric

Dog: Schadenfreude Boston Dog Days of Summer Surfing  @ The Arcade and/or  MP

Location: Surfer's Bay