Trick: (man in top side of yatch)
Hair: HOMAGE -- MR MS : Chocolate
Beard: -Labyrinth- Fork Beard
Tattoo: [Xtrem-Style] Polynesian Dark moderno
Shorts:.:::Brain Wreck:::. Urban B&W Beach Shorts
Flipflops: HEYDRA Hilton FlipFlops Black
Pose: {Natural Motions} PayDay
Sue: woman in top side of yatch)
Hair: little bones.-Feline {Group Gift}
Glasses: #187#-Aviator Glasses with hud
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhance Hands - Elegant
Tattoo: .Reckless. - Stipe
Necklace: .:* LOULOU&CO *:. - Necklace :: PERFIDY ::
Bikini: .mute. absolution bikini with hud {Store Closed 10L}
Feet: Slink Female Feet- Mid
Crazy: (woman in front of yatch)
Hair: . Liquence . - F6 in Natural Fades
Swimsuit: IAF Bow Bikini Set (Leopard) (With Appliers)
Pose: [CA] Cassidy 3
Sunny: (man im lower side of yatch)
eep . hair 006 . browns
:Wicked Tattoos: VooDoo Sleeves
[Expressive Poses] - Noah 2
*Twak* Mesh Shorts Urban Art (No longer available)
Lyangelie: (woman in lower side of yatch)
Sunglasses: [MAGIC NOOK] Golden Life Sunglasses (Classic) MESH
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Neria -
Bikini: Luas Urban Style - Liberta Bikini Tropical- Marketplace
Bracelet: -RYCA-Hand Chain Bracelet GY Platinum-
Earring & Necklace: EarthStones Lora Set - Turquoise Silver
Ankle Chains: .:KC:. AZARIA Slink High Ankle Chains 1.2
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